Saturday, December 27, 2008

Clinging onto daddy

You came down with fever after we went to the wave pool. Children tend to be more 'whiny' when they fall sick. As I was carrying you, you were putting your small arms around my neck and rested your head on me like most toddlers do. I enjoyed that moment because I feel needed and wanted by you when you held onto me. Joshua your 'co co ' said aptly, 'Phi Phi is clinging onto dad'. In fact the more you clinged onto me, the more I feel needed and wanted. It was like all the love that is hidden in my heart is suddenly triggered and released towards you.

This is a picture of what it is like when we pray to God. When we come to God with our requests, we are acknowledging our need for him. We are telling God, 'Lord, I can't do this. I can't solve the problem. I need You'. Prayer will produce in God the feelings of being needed and wanted. The more we come to him to pray, the more He feel needed and wanted by us. God's heart will turn tender and soft. Like a loving father He wants to help us as we cling onto Him. When we are praying, we become like a little child, clinging onto God, holding onto Him, refusing to go away from His loving embrace.

I think by the time you can read this, you may not like to read just plain text. I will try to put in pictures, music, video to make this blog more interesting.

Here's a song for you. I like the images of Jesus with the children

Why I create this blog

Phileo, my younger son is only 21 months old. He can't read let alone understand this blog. I want to do this so that he can read when he is older. I came to know a dad who pen down his thoughts in a book after he found out he was stricken with terminal illness. Well, I am not ill. But life is short, who knows what will happen tomorrow or the next moment

I will address him as the 1st person. I will call him Phi Phi like I am calling him now.