Friday, September 11, 2009

Why God wants us to worship Him

Why God loves to be worshipped? Daddy is clueless. Mommy does not know either.

Yesterday I sent you to childcare centre. You are now 2 1/2 years old. You could speak a few words. Sometimes you could utter complete sentences too.

As we were walking towards the car, with your little fingers holding mine, I told you repeatedly, 'I love you Phi Phi, I love you Phi Phi.' You mumbled something but I couldn't really decipher what you said. I decided to lower myself to your height and asked you,
"Did you say, 'I love you Daddy'?"
You did not look into my eyes. You were a little shy and sheepish and turned your face away from me.

We continued our walk towards the car, holding each other's hand, telling each other 'I love you

'Why God loves to be worshipped? When we worship God, we are simply telling Him we love Him. What will be His likely response what we tell Him we love Him?

He loves it when we love Him.
He loves to be loved.