Monday, November 16, 2009

I need Daddy

I am amazed with you, yet again. You can clearly distinguish the diff between 'I need' and 'I want'.

For instance, when you want to take a kiddy ride, he will look at us, stretch out your hand and say, 'I need money'. This is obviously a need, not a want for you.

When we study economics, we are often told, a 'need' is different from a 'want'. We can do without a 'want', but a 'need' is a neccesity. It is not dispensable. For you, taking a kiddy ride is a need, not a want. This is probably true for all kids.

When we are at work, there are times that you will ask for us. He will ask, 'Where mommy? Where's mommy?'. About a week ago you said something that left me speechless for hours. This came after I spent much time with you over the weekend. This is what you said,

'I need daddy'

It made me feel good but I didn't know why. As I gave more thought to it, I realise I am no longer a want in your life. I have become so close to you that I became a need in your life. A necessity. Indispensable. Essential. Imperative. I am not a peripheral figure in your. I am not like redundant worker in a company. A fringe actor. A football player surplus to requirement and has to be sold.

'I need daddy'. What a lovely thing you have said

I pray that one day you will say the same to God