Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just tell Him, "God, You are generous".

You told me a couple of days ago that I was generous. You probably didn't know what the remark did to me. I felt really good about that. "Me, your dad, is generous?" For too long I am not known to be one who is generous. It is always measured. But I really like what you said about me. Those were the times I just want to hug you tightly and give you whatever you ask for from Toy r Us. Why not tell the same to God? I'm sure He will be pleased too. When you are older, there will come a time when many people will tell you how you can get things from God. You really don't have to do that. It is in God's heart to bless you because He loves you. Just tell Him, "God, You are generous". You will see how God shower you with His blessings without you even telling Him what you want.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

You must have learned this from the Sunday School.
Something about the birds in the air in Matthew 6.
"Daddy, God feeds the birds with worms. God loves the birds. God loves us too."
That was a teaching moment. How could I miss this. So, I reiterated
"Yes, God loves the birds and God loves us!"
"What about the worms?"

Monday, February 27, 2012

I asked you,
"Do you have many friends in school?"
You told me yes.
"Am I your friend?"
You said no.
I asked you,
"You are too big. My friends are very small."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I waited so long for you

When I came back from work yesterday (Dec 12), you told me something I will never forget.

"Daddy, I waited for you to bathe me. I waited so long and you did not come. So Aunty Analyn bathed me."

As you were telling me this, there were tears in your eyes.
I can see that how much you wanted me to bathe you and play with you.
But I did not appear.
Those tears were precious to me. It speaks of your desire to be with me. It touched my heart deeply. I was moved.

There was a man in the Bible. He is Jesus' friend. Jesus loved him dearly. His name is Lazarus. He was very sick. He waited for Jesus to come for him. He waited so long and Jesus did not turn up. Eventually he died. He was not the only one waiting. His sisters, Mary and Martha waited for Jesus too. The moment they saw Jesus, they said,

"If you had been here, Lazarus would not have died."

We can see how much they wanted Jesus to be there. But He did not appear on time. Lazarus died while waiting for his friend.

Those remark made when Jesus arrived must have touched Jesus' heart.

"..if you had been here my brother would not be dead" (John 11:21 Bible in Basic English)

I could hear Mary and Martha crying,
"Jesus, I waited for you to heal my brother. We waited so long and you did not come. So now Lazarus is dead."

I guess there must be tears in Jesus' eyes because they waited for Him. They wanted and desired Him to be there. Jesus must have felt wanted.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Daddy, can you bathe me? I want to play with you."
Daddy is sick. I am having a cold. I would love to play with you but I can't get too close to you.
When we are sick, we cannot get close to our loved ones.
In the same way, when we have sin in our life, we can get close to God. Sin is like sickness. It stops us from getting cozzy with God.