Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just tell Him, "God, You are generous".

You told me a couple of days ago that I was generous. You probably didn't know what the remark did to me. I felt really good about that. "Me, your dad, is generous?" For too long I am not known to be one who is generous. It is always measured. But I really like what you said about me. Those were the times I just want to hug you tightly and give you whatever you ask for from Toy r Us. Why not tell the same to God? I'm sure He will be pleased too. When you are older, there will come a time when many people will tell you how you can get things from God. You really don't have to do that. It is in God's heart to bless you because He loves you. Just tell Him, "God, You are generous". You will see how God shower you with His blessings without you even telling Him what you want.