Monday, October 3, 2016


Hi Phi

Noticed lately that you no longer call me "Daddy". You just call me "Dad". Do I like it? I love it! Somehow I feel "Dad" is more intimate than "Daddy". I felt thrilled when you call me "Dad". That's nice, really nice. Maybe I should also call our heavenly Father "Dad". I suppose God will be more than happy if we call Him “Dad”

I have heard a handful of people praying to God, calling Him "Daddy“ but I cannot recall anyone who addressed God as "Dad”. Who started it, who is the first one who addressed God as "Daddy"?

"And He said, "Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will."

This is taken from Mark 14:36. Jesus said the prayer. He addressed God as "Abba" which means "Daddy".

The following is from my unpublished book. My very first. The one you have been receiving via email is actually my second book.

Chapter 12 My Father

"Though I have been a Christian for 25 years, I was carrying this wound in my heart not knowing what it was. My journey to emotional healing was a long but a meaningful one. There were times I felt like God was whispering my name and ushering me closer and closer to Him. I know God loves us and He wants to have a close relationship with us. But can that make up the emotional void in my heart?

I remember an occasion I was taking care of Phileo my younger son. He was only 2 years old then. I walked away, just a short distance, to get some snack, but I kept my eyes on him. I saw something that I will never forget. Phileo started looking for me and in no time he was crying for me. That has never happened before. Phileo cried when he could not find me. That meant a lot to me. It speaks a lot of my relationship with Phileo. Like most young kids, when they lose sight of someone who is close to them, they will just ‘Wahhhhh…..’ It is natural. It is instinctive. In this instant, Phileo was crying for his daddy.

I have been crying for my daddy. I desire to have the kind of close relationship we never have. Now we are separated by hundred of miles and we only meet 3 or 4 times a year. It is like too little. Too late.

I didn’t have to wait too long for an answer. It came from someone who loves me.

-- New Living Translation 

Romans 8:15 So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children.[a] Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”

Abba is an Aramaic word. It is an intimate form of the word father. An endearing term. The closest modern equivalent is “papa” or “daddy.” Let’s read the verse again, Now we call him (God), “Daddy, Father.”

God is my Daddy, my heavenly father.

I don’t call Him Daddy in my public prayer. But when I am alone praying, I like to just call Him ‘Daddy….’"

This is now my favourite music video

Saturday, May 9, 2015


We did this together
Do you still remember what this was?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Family Devotion: Doing Our Best

We had our very first family devotion on 18 January 2015. Not sure it was fun for you but it was a good start for the family. I have shared many messages in Father School gatherings. I have spent hours preparing for these messages. Yet I did not spend any time doing similar things for the family. Sigh. God convicted me. So I initiated this family devotion.

Today's sharing is on "Doing Our Best".

Phi, this is my prayer for you,
"Lord, I pray that Phileo will be a person with the spirit of excellence, just like Daniel in the Bible."

Monday, January 26, 2015

Singapore Airline

I was in Seoul in early January for Father School Convention. That was the few occasions dad did not travel with you all. We always travel together. Needless to say I missed all of you. But I was not alone. I took the same flight with Brother Andrew and his wife Linda. We were going to attend the Father School Convention together.

When I was in Seoul, I did some shopping in Dongdaemun, a famous shopping area in Seoul. I bought a belt for Joshua. Mommy asked for cosmetic. That was done too. I just couldn't find anything suitable for you. I thought I could get something for you at the airport. I said a quick prayer before I left Dongdaemun.

On my last day in Seoul, I reached the airport very early. I saw some nicely packed seaweed at Terminal One. I wanted to find out if there were any toys for kids at the other terminal. So I took the air train to the next terminal where I was supposed to board the plane. The seaweed was priced in US Dollar! It is definitely more expensive than the earlier one that was tagged in Korean Won and those that are sold in Singapore. I looked around for ways to return to Terminal One. I asked the staff at the information counter for help.

"Sir, there is no way you can get back to the Terminal One."

"What! This is insane. This isn't making any sense at all!"

It would not make sense to get the US$-priced seaweed which was more expensive than those being sold in Singapore either. But I really wanted to get something for my baby. In my desperation I prayed to God. After that I boarded the plane. As I was heading towards the cabin, I saw Aunt Linda. She was talking to the air stewardess. I saw something the air stewardess was holding. I asked Aunt Linda if she was interested in those complimentary toy. She said her grand kids are all girls. That was how you got your Star Wars toy.

There is no co-incident in God's world. God is always faithful  

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

You asked me why God is jealous for us

You asked me why God is jealous for us. When we love someone, we will naturally feel so

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Koi Pond

There was a place where I usually 'hang out' with God. This place is near the Polo Club. I go there to pray. There was one evening I saw a Malay man feeding the fish in the mini stream. I know you like feeding fish. So I brought you there. The fishes were kind of small. The biggest one was probably about 5cm. Little did I know God has a better idea for you. He knows you love feeding fish. A few days after that, I discovered a pond nearby with big Koi fish. Surely that is not by chance. God has arranged all this for you. So here's the photo I took while you were feeding the big Koi fish.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just tell Him, "God, You are generous".

You told me a couple of days ago that I was generous. You probably didn't know what the remark did to me. I felt really good about that. "Me, your dad, is generous?" For too long I am not known to be one who is generous. It is always measured. But I really like what you said about me. Those were the times I just want to hug you tightly and give you whatever you ask for from Toy r Us. Why not tell the same to God? I'm sure He will be pleased too. When you are older, there will come a time when many people will tell you how you can get things from God. You really don't have to do that. It is in God's heart to bless you because He loves you. Just tell Him, "God, You are generous". You will see how God shower you with His blessings without you even telling Him what you want.