Monday, January 12, 2009

I took a walk with you

Last Sunday was the first time we went for a walk together. The experience, was simply magical. There were 3 small birds welcoming us as we bagan our walk. The birds were very small, with colorful feather and beautiful voice. As we continued to walk, a rooster crowed. I have been this place before but I have never seen a rooster. God has made it very special for us. One by one the dog came and say hello to you. I have not seen so many dogs before this walk. Most of them are kept in the house. This time they are out greeting you. I can see that God really loves you. God made it special for you because He knows how much you love dogs

I started learning to walk with God quite late. I learned about walking with God from Hakan, my good Swedish friend. He used to ask me to go for walk in the woods with him. So I went and we would walked for hours. Talked as we walked. There was no moment of silence. We just talked and talked. It was never me alone talking but both of us are talking and listening.

This year I have decided to take regular walk with God. I will go to the woods. Walk by the water. One author suggested a moonlight walk. That I will do soon. Phi Phi, learn to walk with God early in your life. Then you will learn what it means, 'Enoch walked with God' (Genesis 5:24). Walk with God and walk close to God.

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